Tooth Pain Conditions

Tooth pain can have a debilitating effect on your day-to-day life, affecting your ability to speak, chew, swallow or even sleep. At Monteiro, we work quickly to treat painful dental conditions with compassion and skill. Here are a few of the most common procedures that we carry out in our London clinic.

Dental Abscesses
Sensitive Teeth
Root Canal Treatment/Endodontic
Gum Disease
Dental Abscesses

Dental abscesses
Commonly caused by bacterial infections, dental abscesses are caused by pus pooling inside a tooth, in the gums or in the bone itself. These come in two forms, at the end of your tooth (a periapical abscess) or in your gums (a periodontal abscess). While these can take time to form, they can be extremely painful and require immediate corrective surgery. Due to the risk of infection, it is important to contact a professional as quickly as possible.

These are treated with delicate surgery such as a periodontal cleaning (deep cleaning). These are always carried out under local or general anesthetic and our team provides extensive aftercare for patients for quick recovery.

Sensitive Teeth

A curse for many people, sensitive teeth can bring pain when brushing, eating, or consuming cool liquids and beverages. They can be caused by a range of problems from worn enamel, chipping, damage, cavities, damage to previous dental work and more.

When it comes to treatment, we will always thoroughly diagnose your problem before taking any procedural steps. This can include advice about your dental health and helping you create a new routine that cares for your teeth. In more extreme cases we can look into gum grafts or a root canal to help provide a permanent, pain-free solution.


An often-debilitating condition, Bruxism can cause clicking and popping in the jaw when you speak or eat – creating difficulty in opening your mouth fully and often resulting in pain and migraines. These are often caused by the displacement of the disk inside your junction, which is usually due to a displacement of the jaw because of the occasion (bite), which is not perfect in anyone, but some people suffer more than others because of the nervous system making them grind their teeth. This can also be exacerbated by bruxism or grinding your teeth at night.

If you are suffering from bruxism, we will help reduce your pain with a course of treatment and provide guidance or referrals to help reduce your stress. This can also be helped by creating a bespoke mouth guard to reduce grinding or clenching at night.

Root Canal Treatment/Endodontic

Endodontics focuses on what is known as your ‘dental pulp’, or the soft material inside your tooth. If you receive damage to your tooth or are dealing with intense, regular pain, a visit to a qualified endodontist should be your absolute priority.

If you choose to visit one of our specialists, they will work quickly and efficiently to diagnose the issue you are having with your tooth through checks or x-rays. Once the source of the problem is identified, they will use specialised technology and practices to eliminate your pain through the removal of the pulp and work to relieve your pain and shorten your healing time.

Gum Disease

A common complaint for any number of patients, the condition results in swollen, painful gums. This can be caused by a combination of damage and poor dental care, resulting in infection and potential future damage to your teeth and mouth.

Treating periodontitis can involve a change to your oral healthcare routine. More advanced cases may require the specialised removal of tartar or plaque around your teeth or direct medical intervention in extreme cases.
